An integrated library system (ILS) is truly an enterprise resource planning system for a library. It is used for complete process automation in libraries that not only handles standard procurement tasks such as tracking items owned, orders placed, invoices paid but also allows searching bibliographic recods, manages circulation, and host of other user-facing services. Considering the fact that no two libraries have the same needs, consultation process identifies the immediate needs of the library and suggests a library management systems that is flexible, adaptable and lets you create custom profiles for each individual location/sub-location and their staff users thus controlling access to a whole range of functions throughout the system. We always suggest an ILS that provides the standard library modules, such as:
- RDBMS support
- Full Unicode support
- Cataloguing in MARC21
- Authority control in MARC21
- Circulation
- Serials control
- Vendor management
- Acquisitions and budgeting
- Reminders and alerts
- RFID integration using SIP2
- Z39.50 support
- Customizable OPAC
- Customizable reporting